TDCC SSH Committees
Committees will form in response to network needs for specific periods of time to focus on strategic and operational challenges in bringing the TDCC SSH programme forward. These committees will be formed, composed, and led by individuals with relevant expertise from across the network.
The shape and scope of the committees is laid out in the Terms of Reference document, linked below and see here for our full governance overview.
The Assessment & Selection (A&S) committee has the remit to assess and select the projects that will be submitted under the TDCC SSH NWO open call. The A&S committee members will evaluate project ideas and advise on the prioritisation of which applicants to invite to write a full proposal. They will also provide feedback on the proposals before final submission to NWO.
Committee members for the 2023/24 Open Call:
• Ahmad Hesam - SURF, Project Manager Research Infrastructures
• Andrea Scharnhorst - DARIAH, Chief Integration Officer
• Arja Firet - Utrecht University Library, (Digital) Humanities Librarian
• Caspar van Lissa - Tilburg University, Associate Professor, Methodology | Open Science Community Tilburg, Chair
• Jerry de Vries - KNAW Digital Competence Centre, Coordinator DCC-KNAW
• Kasia Karpinska - ODISSEI (Open Data Infrastructure for Social Sciences and Economic Innovations), Scientific Manager
• Kathleen Gregory - Leiden University, Centre for Science and Technology Studies, Researcher
• Margriet Miedema - LCDRM (Landelijk Coördinatiepunt Research Data Management), Coordinator
• Maurice de Kleijn - eScience Center, Senior Research Software Engineer
• Puck Wildschut - Tilburg University, Policy Officer for Research, Monitoring and Reporting
• Rasa Bočytė - Nederlands Instituut voor Beeld & Geluid, Senior Advisor Research Collaborations
• Rene Bekkers - Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Full Professor Faculty of Social Sciences, Sociology; Civil Society and Philanthropy
• Roeland Ordelman - CLARIAH, Chief Technology Officer
• Sarah Coombs - Hogeschool Saxion, Research Support Advisor | Digital Competence Center voor Praktijkgericht onderzoek (DCC-PO), Manager