How to participate

The DSIG is open to everyone who is interested in data stewardship and is not limited to a specific academic discipline (nor to the Netherlands, but it is Netherlands based).


  • You can sign up to the mailing list, or the slack community if you love to be actively involved. We use the slack community to actively share events, ask questions, and share experiences.
  • View meeting agendas and other documents in the Google Drive folder
  • You can participate in person or virtually at the general DSIG meetings. For updates on upcoming dates and topics follow our meetings page. The link will be provided in the agenda of each meeting.
  • You can participate virtually in an existing topical/Special Interest Group (SIG), or suggest a topic for a new SIG.


Do you have questions, want to suggest a topic, and/or chair one of the DSIG meetings? Contact us:

  • Mijke Jetten (Community Manager Data Stewardship, DTL/Health-RI) for cross-domain meetings
  • Nils Arlinghaus (Community Coordinator, TDCC-SSH) for SSH domain meetings
  • Fieke Schoots (Training Coordinator, TDCC-LSH/Health-RI) for LSH domain meetings
  • Lena Karvovskaya (Community Coordinator, TDCC-NES) for NES domain meetings