FAIR4ChemNL workshop

Date: June 4-5, 2024
Location: Utrecht (UU Science Park, Buys Ballot Building)
Participation is invitation based. For participation inquiries and more information write to nes@tdcc.nl.
Data-centered approaches in chemistry hold the promise of uncovering groundbreaking solutions critical for advancing energy and material transitions, pharmaceutical innovations, and circular economy endeavors. In the realm of chemical research, the potential of data to drive discovery and innovation is vast yet underutilized, primarily due to disparate data management practices.
The FAIR4ChemNL workshop aims at bridging this gap and laying the groundwork for the implementation of FAIR data principles and unified data management solutions across the chemistry disciplines. FAIR4ChemNL is organized in a collaborative effort by the Dutch National Fundamentals and Methods in Chemistry (FMC) community and the NFDI4Cat consortium (Germany) with support from Thematic Digital Competence Centre for Natural and Engineering Sciences (TDCC-NES).
The workshop aims at bringing together scientists, data experts, and IT specialists from Dutch and German academic institutions as well as the Netherlands eScience Center and SURF to discuss the challenges and solutions in chemistry digitalization, and define the strategy towards setting common standards and data management solutions to unite and strengthen the cross-disciplinary chemistry community.
Organizing committee:
- Prof. dr. Evgeny A. Pidko (Delft University of Technology)
- Dr. Nong Artrith (Utrecht University)
- Mira Stanic (TDCC-NES)
- Dr. Sara Espinoza (Dechema, NFDI4Cat)