TDCC-NES Project initiatives

The TDCC-NES offers two funding strands to support collaborative projects dealing with bottleneck areas and challenges defined in our roadmap.

Bottleneck projects

Bottleneck projects are small-scale, usually lasting up to 12 months. They are being developed through a collaborative process which began in Q2 2023 with a series of stakeholder conversations and community consultations. There is a one-off sum of €950,000 per TDCC available to distribute through this funding strand.

Five bottleneck projects have been granted funding so far. Click below to read more about them.

Challenge projects

The Challenge funding strand is intended for mid-sized projects with a duration of 24 – 30 months and a budget between €50,000 – €400,000. These projects are intended to respond to one or more challenges defined in TDCC-NES roadmap and should be collaborative projects from the domain, developed through a transparent and community-led process. At the end of 2024, the first group of project proposals were submitted to NWO for funding.

Click above to go direct to the process for the 2025 call, and below for examples of the projects already submitted.