TDCC SSH Governance

The Governance Framework outlines our relationship to funders, stakeholders, the network and various communities - highlighting who has decision making power, strategic oversight, operational input and day to day responsibility. The current framework is for the start-up phase from March 2023 - February 2025. It is dynamic and will evolve as the programme develops, as projects mature, strategic plans crystallise, and in response to prevailing sectoral needs.
The leadership team is a Network Manager and a Community Coördinator, hosted by the DANS organisation. The priorities for the Manager in the start-up phase is to oversee the financial and grant related aspects of the programme, design the five-year strategic plan, develop the governance structure and leading on the communications strategy.
The Coordinator’s focus during this time is to stimulate connections with communities. This includes developing the investment portfolio process while supporting the development of projects. Additionally, the Coordinator will develop and lead on an outreach and events plan.
Jointly, the team is responsible for designing the infrastructure of the network and representing the TDCC SSH nationally and internationally.
The Leadership Team is:
• Nicole Emmenegger, Network Manager
• Nils Arlinghaus, Community Coordinator
The TDCC SSH consortium consists of three partners representing the main Dutch Research Infrastructures (RIs) in the Social Sciences (ODISSEI) and Humanities (CLARIAH) and the main SSH research service provider and repository (DANS). They are each represented on the Executive Board and meet every two/three months with the Manager and Coordinator to offer strategic guidance and operational direction on the programme.
This board has the formal responsibility of granting approval for action plans, budget and annual reports. In conjunction with the Manager and Coordinator, they constitute the ultimate decision-making mandate for the programme. This means that if any significant decisions require voting or approval, the Executive Board is the governing body with the authority to make those determinations.
The Executive Board is:
• Anja Smit, DANS Director
• Dirk van Miert, CLARIAH Principal Investigator and Director of The Huygens Institute
• Pearl Dykstra, ODISSEI Director and Professor of Empirical Sociology at Erasmus University
The Advisory Board consists of 15-20 members from amongst our key stakeholders who meet 2-3 times per year. We included representatives from the local Digital Competence Centers, SSH scholars as well as individuals from various networks and service providers such as the eScience Center, OSC-NL and Netwerk Digitaal Erfgoed. Additionally, we actively sought individuals proficient in technical aspects of research data management, experts in data justice, Open Science advocates, infrastructure specialists, software and information scientists, as well as those with domain-specific knowledge and expertise in policy and advocacy.
The main duties of the group are:
• To provide input on the long term strategic aims and five year action plan
• Advise on the project evaluation procedures
• Review and feedback on project proposals
• Input on impact assessment measures and methods
• Advocate for the TDCC-SSH and help build the network
The Advisory Board is:
• Chair: Susan Aasman - Professor of Digital Humanities, University of Groningen
• Deputy Chair: Annette Langedijk - Research Partnership Lead, SURF
• Anna van 't Veer - Assistant Professor of Methodology and Statistics, Leiden University & Chair of OSC-NL, Open Science Communities Netherlands (OSC-NL)
• Chantal Kemner - Professor of Biological Developmental Psychology, Utrecht University
• Claudia van Oppen - Director, Maastricht University Library
• Enno Meijers - Chief Technology Officer, Netwerk Digitaal Erfgoed (NDE)
• Frédérique Belliard - Senior Publishing Officer, TU Delft OPEN Publishing
• Gijs van Dijck - Professor of Private Law; Director, Maastricht Law and Tech Lab, Maastricht University
• Hans Berends - Professor of Innovation and Organization (KIN Center for Digital Innovation), School of Business and Economics, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
• Margriet Miedema - Coordinator, Landelijk Coördinatiepunt Research Data Management (LCRDM)
• Martijn Kleppe - Member Board of Directors – Research & Discovery, Koninklijke Bibliotheek (KB)
• Martijn van Leusen - Associate Professor of Landscape Archaeology, University of Groningen
• meLê yamomo - Assistant Professor of New Dramaturgies, Media Cultures, Artistic Research and Decoloniality, University of Amsterdam
• Pim Huijnen - Assistant Professor of Digital Cultural History, Utrecht University
• Puck Wildschut - Policy Advisor Research, Tilburg University
• Tim Reeskens - Associate Professor of Sociology, Tilburg University
• Valentina Azzarà - Section Head, Social Sciences & Humanities, Netherlands eScience Centre
Committees will form for specific periods of time to focus on strategic and operational challenges in bringing the TDCC SSH programme forward. These committees will be formed, composed, and led by individuals with relevant expertise from across the network.
The outcomes of these efforts will subsequently undergo a review by both the Advisory Board and the Executive Board before being implemented by the Leadership Team. This collaborative approach ensures that the programme's actions are well-informed, well-structured and community aligned.
See the dedicated Committees page for more info and download the Terms of Reference here.