Two new TDCC-NES bottleneck projects granted funding

In recent weeks, two additional TDCC-NES bottleneck projects have been granted funding by NWO, which means we will soon have four running projects. The newly approved projects will focus on two bottleneck topics - 'Community building and establishing online presence', and 'Increasing interoperability and integrating tools and workflows for FAIR', described in section 5 of the TDCC-NES roadmap.
The first project is focused on supporting the development of the NES community and its ability to self-organize around both new and ongoing shared challenges. The project will take the form of a series of NES-specific events that will be organised during 2024 - 2025 to facilitate the development of community connections and provide community members with the opportunities to identify and develop ideas that will address the challenges in the TDCC-NES roadmap, identify new challenges and ways to potentially address them and to form project teams that will develop these ideas into new project plans. This project has already started, with a 2-day workshop focusing on the implementation of FAIR data principles across the chemistry discipline that took place in Utrecht on 4 & 5 June.
The goal of the second project, ODeDaI - Open Design Data Infrastructure, is to address three key challenges in design research and related fields: data interoperability, preserving research software, and adopting FAIR practices across disciplines. By enhancing Eindhoven University’s Data Foundry platform and transitioning it to open-source, the project promotes Open Science practices and cross-disciplinary collaboration. The initiative is organized into three work packages, focusing on preparing Data Foundry for open-source release, integrating with partner institutions, and creating a foundation for future communication and community-building. With Eindhoven University of Technology in the lead, the project consortium also includes TU Delft, University of Twente, SURF and DCC PO.
Here is how the project lead sees the project’s scope:

Mathias Funk
project leader, TU/e
ODeDaI - Open Design Data Infrastructure
ODeDaI is building on Data Foundry - a novel design data infrastructure developed in the last years specifically for design researchers and practitioners. With this project, we want to open-source this platform and make it available to a broad community of researchers and educators within the NES domain and beyond.
Look out for more information on our website or via our newsletter in coming months.