TDCC Life Sciences and Health

As part of the Implementation programme for the digitisation of scientific research in the Netherlands, NWO has provided funding for the next 10 years to support the formation of three national-level Thematic Digital Competence Centres (TDCC) with complementary network activities and project (funding opportunities) to tackle domain specific challenges in data driven science.  

The Thematic Digital Competence Center (TDCC) for Life Sciences and Health (LSH) is coordinated by Health-RI and builds on the DTL and Health-RI networks to offer a programme aimed to strengthen and harmonize the digital practises among stakeholders in the broad Dutch research domains of life sciences and biomedical/health sciences. A broad and extensive consultation process has been carried out among LSH stakeholders during the period of September 2021 - Spring 2022 to capture the digital challenges faced by research organisations and initiatives and this has been translated into a TDCC-LSH roadmap.

TDCC-LSH Governance is set up around the structure of a community platform that connects a wide range of stakeholders and infrastructure initiatives in data driven life sciences and biomedical research. Financially supported by NWO to help strengthen digital research, a small team at Health-RI acts as the TDCC-LSH network coordination team. The TDCC-LSH Programme Board has been selected to represent several major communities, including Large Scale Research Infrastructures (LSRI), (Inter)national infrastructures and other key national initiatives. The TDCC-LSH Programme Board oversees the progress of the TDCC-LSH roadmap programme, guides the TDCC-LSH coordination team and selects community-driven projects to build a LSH project portfolio.

The TDCC-LSH network activities primarily target domain specific data professionals across data driven health and life sciences fields and are ideally well aligned with activities organised by Local Digital Competence Centres (LDCC) established at many research organisations. Activities consist of e.g. events, workshops or LSH domain specific Data Steward Interest Group (DSIG) meetings. More information about TDCC-LSH News or Events can be found below. Please, reach out to the TDCC-LSH network or community managers if you are interested to organise something with/for the TDCC-LSH community!

The TDCC-LSH projects target the involvement and alignment of (existing) research infrastructure initiatives as well as communities of e.g. bioinformaticians; computational biologists; Ethical, Legal and Societal Implications (ELSI) specialists; data scientists; data stewards and research software engineers active across the broad LSH domain. Please, follow the TDCC-LSH project page for the latest updates on projects or submit you own project ideas!

Upcoming TDCC-LSH Events

Open hour – TDCC-LSH Challenge Call 2025

This Q&A session is for TDCC-LSH specific questions about the TDCC-LSH NWO funding call for TDCC Challenge Projects in 2025. Date information: 31 March 2025 (Monday), 15.00 – 16.00 [Teams link] Meeting ID: 372 832 492 48 – Passcode: eN9Pj6uN Location: Online / Virtual meeting via Microsoft Teams Target audience: Anyone who has questions that are not […]

31 Mar 15:00 — 16:00


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