Q&A Session – NWO Funding Call TDCC-NES
This session is for TDCC-NES specific questions about the 2023/2024 NWO funding call for TDCC projects. For broader questions and questions to the NWO, please join the general Q&A session on 16 January 2024, where NWO representatives will be present.
Date: 18 January 2024 (Thursday), 10.00 – 11.00
Location: Online / Virtual meeting via Microsoft Teams - Click here to join the meeting
Target audience: Anyone who has questions that are not answered by the information on the NWO call page or the TDCC-NES webpages and that are specific to the TDCC-NES process.

The NWO has opened a funding call to achieve the digitalization ambitions of digital competence centers and the communities we serve, with separate budgets for each of the three TDCCs. In order to successfully apply to the call, a project idea proposal first needs to go through a process of community selection and refinement by the TDCC-NES.
You can find all important information on the NWO call page, our general website, and on the TDCC-NES webpages. For any remaining questions you may have, join this Q&A session. During the session, you can ask questions to a representative of the TDCC-NES.
Please add any questions you might have to this Google Doc, preferably ahead of the meeting.
The virtual meeting will be held via Microsoft Teams. Click here to join the meeting.