LCRDM announces RSE Task group

The National Coordination Point for Research Data Management has announced a Taskgroup which is of great interest for the TDCC NES community. Please find the information on the task group below.
Are you interested in participating in a LCRDM task group on the job description and career perspective for Research Software Engineers? You may read on the ideas and plans in the attached pitch.
Background: The interest in Research Software Engineering is growing. See e.g. the recently published Practical guide to Software Management Plans , and the Research Software Directory. Research Performing Institutes are actively recruiting Research Software Engineers (RSEs). It is mentioned that it is not always clear what texts to use for vacancy descriptions, and which salary scale is adequate, taking into account experience and responsibilities. This is a result of the fact that it is not always clear what the tasks and responsibilities of RSEs are. It also depends on where they will be or are located within the organization. Some institutes have mentioned that they lose their Research Software Engineers to the Industry. There is currently not an UFO profile, nor an UAS profile and neither a Fuwafaz profile. Several communities have expressed interest in job descriptions for RSEs, including the TDCC-NES. At a recent meeting, the TDCC-NES identified the need for clear descriptions of roles and tasks for Research Software Engineers crucial to their advancement. "Make RSE a recognized role in scientific grant applications and university job profiles”.
For this task group we are looking for a small group of people who combined have experience with:
- Research Software Engineering
- Leading or managing RSE groups
- Defining competencies (HR expert?)
Of course, you may share this within anyone who you think might be interested to participate. If interested send an email
Image © École polytechnique - J.Barande CC-BY-SA 2.0