Strengthening the Dutch data driven health & life sciences field: TDCC-LSH facts and figures September 2022- August 2024

Read what we have accomplished since the start of TDCC-LSH in September 2022 in our report: Strengthening the Dutch data driven health & life sciences field: TDCC-LSH facts and figures September 2022- August 2024. This report gives an overview of the TDCC-LSH activities in the period September 2022 - August 2024.
As part of the implementation programme for the digitisation of scientific research in the Netherlands, NWO (Dutch Research Council) has provided funding for the next 10 years to support the formation of three national-level Thematic Digital Competence Centres (TDCC) with complementary network activities and projects to tackle domain specific challenges in data driven science. The Thematic Digital Competence Centre for Life Sciences and Health (TDCC-LSH), that started in September 2022, offers a programme aimed at strengthening and harmonizing the digital practices among stakeholders in the broad Dutch research domains of life sciences and biomedical/health sciences. This document shows the progress for TDCC-LSH, for the period September 2022 – August 2024. The TDCC-LSH network builds on the extensive national network in data-driven life sciences and health built around the Dutch Techcentre for Life sciences (DTL) and Health-RI. The TDCC-LSH Roadmap, which was formulated after extensive consultation among LSH stakeholders, guides the TDCC-LSH activities. TDCC-LSH has three main ambitions to help strengthen the LSH fields: 1) Harmonisation of good data stewardship and data access practices; 2) Enhancement of the interoperability of digital solutions and resources; and 3) Strengthening the capacity and expertise base in digital research.
This publication is part of the project Thematic Digital Competence Center - Coordination of the Life Sciences & Health (TDCC-LSH) network with file number ICT.TDCC.003 in the context of the Dutch Implementation Plan Investments Digital Research Infrastructure (2019) and is financed by the Dutch Research Council (NWO). The TDCC-LSH programme is coordinated by Health-RI.
#Digitalcompetences #Life sciences #Health #FAIR #datastewardship #GWI/LSRI #ELIXIR-NL #BioSB #